6 Major Passport Mistakes Parents Make When Traveling With Kids (And How To Avoid Them)

Traveling with kids is an adventure! Sometimes exhilarating, sometimes exhausting, and always unpredictable.
But nothing derails a long-anticipated trip faster than a passport blunder that could’ve been avoided.
From last-minute scrambles at the airport to heartbreaking vacation cancellations, these common mistakes can turn your dream getaway into a logistical nightmare.
Don’t worry, though, I’ve got you covered.
1. Forgetting That Kids’ Passports Expire Sooner Than Adults’

The excitement of planning a family vacation can quickly turn to panic when you realize your child’s passport has expired. It’s a common oversight, as kids’ passports expire every five years, unlike the ten-year span of adult passports.
Imagine a scenario where you’re at the airport, bags packed, and suddenly you’re informed your child’s passport is as expired as last year’s trendy sandals. To avoid this drama, make a habit of checking the expiration dates the moment you start planning your trip.
You can even set a reminder in your calendar six months before it expires. It’s a good practice to renew passports well in advance. No one wants to explain to a disappointed child why the dream vacation is on hold because of a tiny booklet.
2. Assuming a Birth Certificate Is Enough for Certain Destinations

You’d think that a birth certificate might be enough for international travel in some cases. After all, it’s an official document, right? Well, not always. While some closed-loop cruises technically allow kids to travel with just a birth certificate, relying on that alone is a gamble.
Say there’s an emergency, and you need to fly home from a foreign port. No passport? No flight.
Don’t rely on assumptions. Verify with official sources like embassies or travel websites. Keep your documentation updated and travel confidently, knowing you won’t be turned away at the border.
3. Not Realizing That Babies Need Passports Too

Yes, even your tiny, non-verbal, can’t-even-hold-their-own-bottle baby needs a passport for international travel. A surprising number of parents assume infants can travel under their parent’s passports. Because, honestly, wouldn’t that be easier? But nope.
Parents often overlook this detail, assuming babies, being so tiny, can slide under the radar. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
Preparing early ensures that you’re not scrambling at the last minute. Remember, the passport application process can take time, so don’t delay. And when they grow up, they’ll have the cutest passport photo to look back on.
4. Forgetting That Both Parents Need to Be Present for a Child’s Passport Application

You’re all set to get your kid’s passport, documents in hand, and you arrive at the passport office… only to be told you can’t submit the application because both parents need to be there.
Why? It’s a security measure to prevent one parent from taking a child out of the country without the other’s permission. Completely understandable, but also a massive headache if you didn’t plan ahead.
So, sync those calendars and turn this potential hurdle into a minor blip on your travel planning radar.
5. Waiting Too Long to Apply or Renew

Procrastination seems to be a global sport, especially when it comes to paperwork. Waiting until the last minute to apply or renew passports can lead to unnecessary stress.
And let’s be real; expedited passport fees sting. If you have to rush the process, expect to cough up an extra $60 per passport, not including overnight shipping fees. That’s money better spent on actual travel, don’t you think?
So, as soon as you start thinking about travel, check your passports. If renewal is needed, don’t procrastinate.
6. Not Checking Visa or Entry Requirements in Advance

Some destinations require extra paperwork beyond a passport, and the last thing you want is to find out at the airport.
Countries like Brazil, India, and Australia require visas, while places like Mexico and the European Union may have additional entry forms depending on your child’s age.
Keep your travel dreams alive by ensuring all entry requirements are met. With all the correct paperwork, you’re free to enjoy the thrill of exploring new places, stress-free.